
  • Manufacturer: Novo Nordisk
  • Substance: Insulin (Peptide)
  • Strength: 5×3 ml Ready Pens


Novorapid (Novolog in the United States) are the brand names for Novo Nordisk’s fast-acting type of human insulin aspart. When Novorapid is injected, it is extremely fast-acting, and works rapidly to normalize blood sugar levels. It typically begins working after 10-20 minutes, and will last for between 3 and 5 hours. It may be injected before a meal, and sometimes immediately after, to ensure strict control of post-prandial levels. Novo Nordisk has designed some unique insulin pens that allow for easy injection. These are called NovoRapid FlexPen.

Those who buy Insulin for the purpose of performance enhancement and use it improperly risk the greatest side-effect of all; death.

Attention insulin is a product that you absolutely understand and master before any injection. Uncontrolled management can be very dangerous to your health. If in doubt it is very essential to follow you by a professional or by your doctor. This product is primarily for advanced users.